Saturday, March 6, 2021

Where waters meet

It was um, cold out there today mostly because of the wind chill. Still *technically* above freezing, but there were a few more car side photos taken this time around. This one I snapped while standing on a tall park bench to get a better view over the rocky shoreline.

Detroit River, facing Canada, moments before it meets the sea

Pointe Mouillee is where the Huron River lets out into Lake Erie. This short recording shows the vantage point from the Pointe Mouillee Marsh DNR Headquarters.

A view of Pointe Mouillee marsh from Hull's Trace landing

What is lovely about this region is that it is where three waters meet. The Huron River and the Detroit River (actually a strait) each flow into Lake Erie in roughly a five mile area. It makes it feel like there is a whole lot going on

And while breathing the cool fresh air is a nice change from being inside all winter, I am definitely looking forward to much warmer temperatures, arriving hopefully as soon as the day after tomorrow.