Monday, February 22, 2021

Monday snow

More snow today but it is beginning to melt. I wake up late and make coffee and think about what to write about today now that it is becoming easier to write anything. It worries me less and less whether what I write has any intrinsic meaning -- rather, do I feel better once I've written it? 

The coffee maker is making a lot of noise in the kitchen and the cockatiels are chirping now that they know I am awake and at their beck and call. Whenever I change out their food dish I give the remaining seeds to the wild birds so that they have something too in the middle of all this snow. as long as it is only birds that visit my balcony and not squirrels I am okay with this.

It is Monday. There are plenty of Monday things for me to do today. It gives me hope that I want to eschew them all so that I can write. 

This is a good sign.

I remind myself that there was a February not so long ago that yielded sixty thousand words so I know it is, despite what many may believe to the contrary, an excellent month to write prolifically. 

The coffee is done brewing. More soon.


Snow water equivalent (SWE) is how much precipitation an area received in snow. I haven't changed my precipitation gauge in weeks because it has been frozen to the post so I kinda gave up on daily totals for a while. I figured I would just do a month total. My CoCoRaHS group just reminded us all that we should at the very least post these totals on Mondays (SWE Mondays) and I suddenly realized the temperature is finally above freezing! I can retrieve the gauge from the frozen post! 

This is exciting news. There is a lot of SWE packed in there.