Wednesday, March 7, 2018


"Did you find it?" she asked.

"What? no... I forgot to look." she turned and glanced at the window.

"There isn't much time left, you know. Once it pours rain there will hardly be a chance at all," the old woman didn't have much patience for delay, all her life she had had to wait often for no other reason than foolishness. "Should we ask them again?" she said.

"No! I mean, no, it's alright. I don't want to bother them. It's taken such a long time for their dog to stop growling at every person that walks by and I don't want to start that all over again. I will just keep looking, in fact I'll go right now." She put on her long coat and paused for a moment, gazing at her favorite shoes that were now caked with mud. She reached past them and grabbed the tall rainboots. "I'll see you later, don't forget to set the timer!" She hurried out the door.

Outside was cold and the rain misty; she pulled her coat tighter around her and walked purposefully up the street of brownstones towards the river. She knew it had been a bad idea to take her necklace off at the shoot, and now it might be lost forever. If only she could believe it didn't matter anyway, all had been lost a long time ago. The necklace was only a bittersweet reminder of what could never be.


She pulled her coat tighter around her once more as she shivered and walked on.